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Sports Fitness For Female Athletes

By Andrew Lee, 01/18/17, 10:15AM EST


Top 5 Female Injury Prevention Steps

When executed properly, youth sports is one of the best ways to improve the confidence of young women, by helping them grow into the best version of themselves as people, teammates and leaders. Youth sports develops teamwork, relationships, heart and HARD work ethic. 

Youth sports also can also lead to burnout, injuries and a lack of confidence if it is performed in the wrong environment with poor coaching. 

Here are 5 simple injury prevention steps will not only help young athletes have a safe and fun time playing softball, but they will also develop skills that will transfer into their lives forever.

1. Learn body control-

Most girls in youth softball organizations have no clue how to control their body. It's expected due to the changes their bodies experience as they develop into women. As young women learn to control their bodies, they play better, win more often and gain stronger confidence in themselves. This helps not only to prevent physical injuries, but also emotional injuries. 

2. Learn jump and landing movement patterns-

True professional coaching can pay off.  There are many coaches who know nothing about strength and conditioning and  don't teach girls how to properly  jump, land, and run correctly which can lead to injury and health complications.  Believe it or not, learning how to land properly is imperative to long term knee and hip health and power. 

3. Learn total body conditioning and arm care-

Arm care is vitally important to the success or failure of young athletes who throw a ball.  Proper mechanics, muscle development and conditioning are vital.   A  qualified Strength & Conditioning Coach will build these techniques and exercies into their year long training programs. When done correctly this should be implemented during pre-season, in-season, and off-season. 

4. Learn together as a family when to eat and what to eat. 

Fueling an athlete's  body is 70 percent of his or her  performance results. If we don’t work together as a team on this, all coaching efforts will be put to waste. Parents involvement in proper eating habits in the home is extremely important to the performance and success of the student-athlete. 

5. Create Strong Support Systems-

Support Systems are built from loving, honest, and accountable communication between the child’s parents, teachers, coaches, doctors, and athletic trainers. All links in this support chain must know their exact role. If one link breaks the whole support system may crumble. 

I truly hope you find value in these 5 simple action steps to helping your players perform their best and decrease their injuries during their softball careers! 

***If you are looking for Pre-Season Conditioning Check out Push4Success’s Softball Conditioning Camp. Space is limited. CLICK HERE to register!***

Andrew Lee 
Strength Coach & Supplement King
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