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Oct 26-27 The Halloween Cup (Starting Times are Posted)

  • Oct
  • 26
Oct 26-27 The Halloween Cup (Starting Times are Posted)
  • All Day, October 26th, 2024
  • Entry Fee: $495 18u, 16u, 14u, 12u, 10u To Enter: Call Butch Tiller 804-378-2285
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Playoffs: 18/16u:

Gold Playoffs:
Sun:  10:30am IBG 10:  Chesapeake Lightning (C2nd)  vs  Shockwave Elite (B 2nd )
Sun: 10:30am IBG 5:  E2nd (Va Legends)   vs  D2nd (Freedom) 
Sun: 12:00pm: IBG 10:  Chesterfield Phoenix(A1)  vs  E1 (So Md. Thunder)
Sun: 1:30pm IBG 10: D1 (Va Intensity)   vs (Winner C2 v B2)
Sun: 12:00pm IBG 5:  East Coast Diamonds (B1st)  vs A 2nd (Nitro)
Sun 1:30pm: IBG 5:  Shockers (C1st)  vs (Winner E2 v D2)

Silver Playoffs:
Sun 9:00am IBG 7:  B4th  vs MHRA Lions (C 4th)
Sun 9:00am IBG 6:  E4th (Rockville Warriors)  vs  A 4th (Hit Doctor)
Sun 9:00am IBG 8: E 3rd (Co Pilots Valetta)  vs  D3rd (Black Widows)
Sun 12:00pm IBG 7:  A3rd (West End Waves) vs (Winner B4 v C4)
Sun 9:00am IBG 9: EC Outsiders (C3rd)  vs D 4th  (Southern Stealth)
Sun 12:00pm IBG 6: B3rd vs (Wnner E4 v A4)

14u Playoff Times: Sunday

Gold Playoffs:

Sun 10:30am IBG 6:  G 1st (DC Elite)  vs Stonewall Tigers (K 2nd)
Sun 10:30am IBG 7: Zero Tolerance (J 1st)  vs H2nd (Victory Gold) 
Sun 10:30am IBG 8: H1st (Top Hand Storm)  vs  MD Hustle (J 2nd) 
Sun 10:30am IBG 9: So MD Ospreys  (K 1st)  vs G2nd (West End Waves)

Silver Playoffs:
Sun 9:00am IBG 10: H 3rd (Nitro)  vs  G 4th (Lady Warriors)
Sun 9:00am IBG 5:  G 3rd (Ruckus)  vs  H4th (Va Intensity)
Sun 12:00pm IBG 8:  Botetourt Breakout(J 3rd)  vs  (Winner H3 v G4)
Sun 12:00pm IBG 9: Lady Braves (K 3rd)  vs (Winner G3 v H4) 

12u Playoff Times: Sunday

Gold Playoffs:
Sun 9:00am LCB 1:  RVA Warriors Tipton (P 2nd)  vs  Bayside Blues (N 2nd) 
Sun 9:00am LCB 3:  Top Hand Storm Talley (L 2nd)  vs  Hanover Hornets (R2nd)
Sun 9:00am LCB 2: RVA Warriors Lowry (L 1st)  vs  Hornets Davidson (M 1st)
Sun 9:00am LCB 4:  Top Hand Storm Bookman(N 1st)  vs  540 Batties (M 2nd)
Sun 12:00pm LCB 1:  VA Bombers (R1st)  vs (Winner P2 v N2)
Sun 12:00pm LCB 3:  Organized Chaos (P 1st)  vs  (Winner L2 v R2)

Silver Playoffs:
Sun 10:30am LCB 1:  Chesterfield Havok (P3rd)  vs  RBA 360  Rollers (M3rd)
Sun 10:30am LCB 4: PME Bears (N 3rd)  vs  Spotsy Patriots (L4th) 
Sun 10:30am LCB 2: Ruckus (L 3rd)  vs Lady Canes (M 4th) 
Sun 10:30am LCB 3: Starz Gold  (R3rd)  vs  MRHA Lions (N4th) 


10u Playoff Times: Sunday

Gold Playoffs:

Sun 10:30am LCB 5:  EC Diamonds (Z1st)  vs  Ironbridge Butler (Y 2nd) 
Sun 10:30am LCB 6: Powhatan Inferno (X 2nd)  vs Coastal Breeze( Z 2nd)
Sun 12:00pm LCB 5:  Rockville Rockets (X1st)  vs (Winner Z1 v Y2)
Sun 1:30pm LCB 5:  Top Hand Storm Breedlove (Y 1st)  vs (Winner X2 v Z2)

Silver Playoffs:
Sun 9:00am LCB 6: Ironbridge Threatt (X4th)  vs  So MD Velocity (Y 4th) 
Sun 9:00am LCB 5: Havok Wilson (X3rd)  vs  Future Cavaliers (Y3rd)
Sun 12:00pm LCB 6:  Hornets Kelley (Z 3rd)  vs (Winner X4 v Y4)

Tournament Information

Tournament info: This tournament is a qualifier for the Fast Pitch Nationals.
 Format: (4 Games).
Entry Fee: $495
Age Groups: 18u, 16u, 14u, 12u, 10u
In our 4 game format tournaments, we usually play 3 pool games on Saturday feeding into a Single Elimination format for Sunday. 

To enter your team, contact Butch Tiller by email or phone:  or 804-378-2285

Entry fee of $495 should be sent to:
Make Check Payable to SoftballNation.
210 Huddersfield Drive
Richmond, VA  23236

If you want to pay by credit card: call 804-378-2285

If you want to pay by Venmo: be sure to include team name, age group and tournament date:

Venmo: @DavidTiller


Starting Times are Posted CLICK THE PDF

Rain Hotline: 804-378-2285.

This line will be updated early each morning if there's a chance of inclement weather.

Costume Contest on Saturday.
Prizes at each location for best Team Costume and Best Individual Costume.

Costume Contest

We invite costumes for the Halloween Cup.
We award prizes for best individual costume and best team costume.

Costume Rules:
Players may wear costumes while playing.
The costume cannot impede the player's movement or sight.
You do not have to have a number on the costume.

We do the contest on Saturday of the tournament.  We award the prizes on Sunday.

The Halloween Cup

Costume Contest and Lots of Fun

Tag(s): Fastpitch  Fast Pitch Tournaments  By State  Virginia  Richmond  Tidewater   Shenandoah Valley  Charlottesville  Roanoke/Salem  NOVA  North Carolina  Maryland  New Jersey  Pennsylvania  South Carolina  West Virginia